New York by Gehry

Featured Photo - Civic Center

New York by Gehry

Much of the Civic Center contains classical and utilitarian stone buildings, court houses, and centers of governance. Because of this, the already unique twisting, organic design of New York by Gehry (formerly the Beekman Tower) at 8 Spruce Street all the more striking. Here the moon accompanies one of the tallest residential towers in New York City.

New York by Gehry & Moon - Civic Center - Manhattan - NYC

Featured Photo - Chinatown

East Broadway

Chinatown is an ever-expanding neighborhood. East Broadway is a natural border, but as can be seen here, Chinatown's influence extends much further. Taken with a 16-3mm wide-angle lens from the Manhattan Bridge, this photo manages to capture not just Chinatown, but the distant neighborhoods of the Civic Center and the World Trade Center.

Market Street and East Broadway, from the Manhattan Bridge - Chinatown - Manhattan - NYC